Campus Climate survey deadline extended to Nov. 10

Nick Reimann

The deadline to complete the survey for Loyola’s Campus Climate Assessment has been extended to Nov. 10. The previous deadline to complete the survey had been Friday (Nov. 3).

Liv Newman, co-chairwoman of the survey, said that the move is to give more time to reach a 30 percent participation rate by the student body – a number she calls statistically critical.

“The campus climate assessment committee is well aware of the importance that this data will be to create real and lasting change at Loyola. We want to provide every opportunity for students to voice their experiences, ideas, hopes, and concerns,” Newman said in an email.

Campus climate refers to “the current attitudes, behaviors, standards and practices of employees and students of an institution,” according to Susan Rankin of Rankin & Associates Consulting. Rankin & Associates is the outside firm conducting the survey.

Students can complete the survey here.