10 things to do during the window


Loyola’s window is a special period of time on Tuesdays and Thursdays where all students are free to eat lunch, take a break or meet up with a club. Here’s some suggestions to use up your window time:

1. Join a club.


If you join a club at Loyola, congratulations! Your meeting is most likely set during the window. If you join two clubs at Loyola, congratulations! Both of your meetings are most likely set during the window. If you have any important meeting, it will be during the window.

2. Attend departmental meetings.


Are you an English major excited to learn more about class offerings and department goings-on? Are you a bio major who’s curious about what’s up next for you? Several departments offer meetings during the window. All of the departments will, at some point, offer a meeting during the window. (They will all tempt you in with food.) Since you’ve already perfected your cloning technology to attend all four of your club meetings during the window, you shouldn’t have a problem checking these meetings out too.

3. Sit down and enjoy your lunch.


Since everyone is free during the window, that means you can eat with all of your friends! You can also spend an hour in line at Subway with all of your friends! And then another fifteen minutes in line in the bathroom with all. of. your. friends. And maybe another twenty in line at Starbucks–if you’re lucky.

4. Take a nap.


The recently-renovated Danna Center offers several practical and comfortable spaces to nap. See those nice benches over there? Go lay out and go right to sleep. You don’t have time to run back to your bed, but you sure have time to fit in a nice nap before classes start up again. If you really want to pamper yourself, ball up a sweatshirt to use as a pillow. Luxury.

5. Go to the gym.


An hour and a half seems like a pretty okay time to get in a quick workout. Hop on the elliptical for half an hour, run the track for fifteen minutes and grab a shower before heading back to class–simple. But it takes ten minutes to get changed, five minutes for travel time, another ten minutes when you realize you forgot your ID, and before you know it it’s 1:55 and you haven’t showered yet. This allows you to run to your next class with a tomato-red face, sweaty clothes and a memorable body odor–you’ll make friends in your class in no time!

6. Finish some totally-not-last-minute homework.


We all know that as excellent students of Loyola University New Orleans, we complete our homework assignments in a timely fashion, check over them carefully and keep them neatly in a safe place before we turn them in on time. We certainly don’t forget about an assignment due at 2:00. We absolutely never frantically yank out our laptops and start typing furiously at 1:35. We haven’t ever run to the library at 1:55 to bully our way onto a computer, freak out over the slowness of the printer and dash to class to throw a paper onto the desk at 2:02. That doesn’t sound like us at all.

7. Commuters: run back home to grab something you forgot.


Forgot a textbook at home? How about a sweater or credit card? During the window, you can just jump in your car and go grab it from your house. You can enjoy your hour and a half ride of traffic, people who mysteriously drive 20 miles per hour on the I-10 and the anxiety of sitting at a red light fifteen minutes away from school and realizing that it’s 2:03 already.

8. Relax on the grass outside.


Summer in New Orleans is brutal, but the weather is nice when you’re lounging on the grass in the shade. So go ahead and venture outside the try to squeeze yourself into the shade under the tree–no, wait, there’s someone there. Well how about the rocking chairs on the Danna Center porch? No, wait, an organization is handing out flyers there. What about the benches? If you feel like smelling like a walking cigarette, that could work. Or try the circle of wooden chairs under the big–no, those are taken too. Go lay in a patch of hot grass, stare up into the blistering sun and contemplate your life.

9. Go sit in the park.


We’re right across the street from the beautiful Audubon Park. Go relax on a park bench. Sit by yourself, watch the beautiful scenery and try not to think about the three tests, twenty-page paper and annoying roommate waiting for you back on campus. Make friends with the vicious geese and the weird squirrels.

 10. Music majors: enjoy some free time!


Ha. Just kidding. Everybody knows music majors don’t get free time.